Friday, December 20, 2019

Should you pop pimples? – Listen from the Dermatologist in Janakpuri

Pimples are unavoidable at some stage of our life. We see people complain of pimples when they eat certain kinds of foods when they are overly exposed to dust or smoke, women when they are nearing their mensuration, when they switch to a different unsuitable substance to their skin, etc. The dermatologist in Janakpuri says, commonly pimples are a result of excessive oil production, excessive hormonal production, hair follicles being clogged by oil and dead skin cells or development of bacteria.
Whatever the reason could be, we hate pimples as they destroy the beauty of our face. When a pimple appears out, we tend to check out its appearance in the mirror several times and finally, somehow we pinch it and break it. Have you noticed a whitish fluid that comes out of a pimple, once you pop it?

Pimples appear with pus

Pimples with pus appear from both inflammation and as an immune response. The dermatologist in Janakpuri explains that pimple pus is made from oil, dead skin cells, debris and bacteria that get trapped in your skin holes. When the pimples are proactive and inflammatory, your immune system gets activated in this area that results in noticeable pus, or whitish fluid inside the pimple. As the inflammation improves, the pus-filled pimples will also improve and go down gradually.

What happens when you pop pimples?

It is so well understood why we tend to pop pimples. It is because we want the pimples to go off from our eye-site very soon. But, we are not doing the right thing by popping the pimples sooner than the time they take to go off on their own.
According to the dermatologist in Janakpuri, here are the consequences of popping pimples –
  • Increased swelling and redness at the pimple site, then it was before
  • The bacteria inside the pimple can spread around and cause more infection
  • Erupted pus will get spread to near skin and lead to more pimples
  • An open wound is exposed to germs and would cause severe infection
  • The healing time of wounded scabs is higher than you letting the pus to settle by its own
  • Pimple scars are very difficult to treat; they take years to fade away and need additional treatment
  • Dark marks or discoloration of the skin is left in the place of popped pimples
Popping, breaking, squeezing or you are any other attempt to remove pimples and not letting them to heal naturally is definitely not the right way of treating the pimples.

How do you treat pimples?

Pimples, when given the right treatment will start to disappear on their own. You may see first the pus disappears, then the redness in the pimple site and gradually overall pimple lesions lessen. Above everything else, you must keep your hands away from the pimple and control your urge to pop or squeeze out the pus.
You may heard from your mothers and grandmothers many home remedies for treating pimples. Lavender oil, fish oil, tea tree oil, probiotics, zinc supplements, etc. are few ingredients of such home remedies. One may get over-the-counter medications without consulting any specialists to cure the troubling pimples. The dermatologist in Janakpuri knows well the secrets of long-trusted ingredients and prescribes oral and topical medications and therapies to cure your pimples effectively and even quicker.
Retinoids and retinoid-like drugs, antibiotics, salicylic acid, and azelaic acid, dapsone, etc. are commonly recommended topical medications by the dermatologists. Oral antibiotics, combined oral contraceptives, anti-androgen agents, isotretinoin, etc. are commonly recommended oral medications to treat pimples. A few occasions dermatologists would also give you recommendations for therapies such as steroid injections, lasers, and photodynamic therapies, etc. Only the specialists would be able to assess your severity and requirement of effective treatment.
You may not choose to visit a specialist if you are just having one or a few pimples. Maintaining the pimple site clean, avoiding frequent touching or squeezing by hands and trying out home remedies would be helpful at these occasions. However, if pimples are bothering you too much and you feel it is uncontrollable, it is always advisable to visit a specialist. The dermatologist in Janakpuri, not only gives the effective treatment but also would give adequate support to fully overcome the problem with his experience and specialized service.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Safe Technologies Used To Treat Stretch Marks

Stretch marks (striae) are long, thin white stripes on the skin that are caused by pregnancy, sudden weight gain or loss, and growth spurts during puberty. Rapid and excessive stretching of the skin leaves it no time to adjust and repair, leading to the breakdown of collagen fibers.

Safe Technologies Used To Treat Stretch Marks

Various treatment modalities are available that can reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the body. Unfortunately, no oral pills or topical OTC (over the counter) creams work satisfactorily on stretch marks.

Micro Needling Radio Frequency (Endymed Intensif)

This procedure uses tiny needles to create microscopic injuries in the skin, allowing new collagen formation (COLLAGEN INDUCTION THERAPY). New collagen formation leads to shrinkage and tightening of skin, reducing the appearance of the stretch marks.

Fractional Ablative Co2 Laser (Futura Rf 50)

Fractional CO2 laser delivers tiny pinpoints of laser light to the affected area on the skin in a net-like distribution. The laser beams penetrate the skin and create micro-wounds that kick-start the healing process by producing new collagen.This provides new strength to the skin and leads to tightening and shrinkage. Thus reducing the appearance of the stretch marks.
Pain factor
Numbing or anesthetic cream applied to the area prior to the procedure renders it pretty comfortable. A mild prickling sensation may be experienced but it is easily tolerated by the patient.
Sessions Required
A minimum of 6-8 sessions are required, depending on the severity of stretch marks.
Possible Side Effects
Mild redness and swelling may appear post-procedure, which usually fade off within few hours. When high energy levels are used for deep stretch marks, scabs or crust formation may occur (similar to what we get after a wound), which shed off within 5 days.

Precautions Before And After The Procedure

Hair Removal: Treatment like waxing or laser hair removal should be avoided two weeks prior to the treatment.
Sun Exposure: Extended exposure to the sun after the procedure should be avoided.
Avoid any sort of work or physical exercise that will irritate the skin.

What To Expect From The Treatment?

Reduction of red (striaerubra) and white (striae alba) stretch marks along with improvement in the texture of skin. Gradual reduction in the severity and visibility of stretch marks is noticed with subsequent sessions.